
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Will Cliff

An atom is the smallest unit of matter that rousenot be miserable trim back by chemical m means and an factor Is a pure substance make of only one manikin of atom. An element Is made up o f only one kind of atom. The atomic number and mass shows the amounts of that atom In proto ins, electrons, and neutrons. The atom Is the smallest unit of the element. 2) An atom is the smallest unit of matter that cannot be broken down and a touch is a group of atoms held unitedly by covalent bonds.In a molecule there are atoms being brought HTH together to take aim a molecule. 3) In a ionic bond the atoms are brought together by the attraction of oppo putly char De ions and an ion is when an atom or molecule that has gained or lost one or more electrons. A c bivalent bond Is sharing of two paired electrons together. There can one or more pairs In a co human race bond. 4) The type of weak bond that forms amidst water molecules is a atomic number 1 bond.T he hydrogen bond is the attracti on of two water molecules. 5) The dissimilarity between polar molecules and monopole molecules is that polar mole culls are molecules with an unequal dispersal of electrical charge, such as water molecules. A monopole molecule is a molecule that shares electron equally and does not have ends with pop site charges. 6) Sodium chloride Is an example of a compound because It Is a substance made of t woo different elements. ) The difference between cohesion and bail bond is that cohesion is an attraction of molecules of the same substance and adhesion is the attraction between molecules of different substances. 2) A substance would not dissolve well in water is oil because the water molecules ar e more attracted to distributively other than to the monopole molecules. This shows why OLL clumps or bleeds In water and doesnt dissolve In It. 3) The difference between acids and bases is that.

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